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Silencing the season of reason's

In October last year, I was in silence (Mauna, a yogic practice) for 10 days. I have been silence previously as well, from 2-5 days. During my 2-5 days of silence I was in complete isolation and physically away from my 2 sweet daughters and my loving, ever supportive husband. What was different during these 10 days of silence was that I was with my family in my very own nest.

Many dear friends and students asked me about my experience of these 10 days of silence while still being with the loved ones around. We also contemplated between which was an easier option? Going up in Himalaya’s and being cut off physically from the potential distractions of this world or being with the family and still maintaining silence and doing my Sadhana (personal practice)

Well both had there own challenges but one of my biggest takeaways from this 10 day silence was a realisation that kids can manage themselves well without being constantly guided. There were times when they stumbled but found their way out. Previously the mother in me often shared an unsolicited advice on every little thing. Eat your fruits, come back home on time, do your homework, pack your bags, don’t forget to drink enough water etc etc etc. Most of the times same set of instructions being repeated everyday.

It is natural and in some stages of parenting essential, that kids require to be guided often but its also important to take a step back and observe.

As much as it's important to be around with your loved ones its equally important to be present with them, for them with the right kind of energy. Somewhere being too much identified with the "roles," an unestablished mind acquires importance by being associated with every task, sometimes due to obligation, moral or social or sometimes due to self imposed "must do's".

It was essential to step out of the zone of “oh how will they do it without me” in other words the zone of “creating self importance”.

My silence spoke to me about the Niyama’s (the internal ethics) that Yoga speaks of. It was about aligning the Yogic guidelines to be a better parent and watch my daughters transform beautifully in their very own journey.

Tapas, Saucha, Svadhyaya, Santosha and Ishwara Pranidhan.

Tapas – A disciplined effort

A disciplined effort essential to break the pattern.

Saucha – cleansing

Cleansing for self purification

Svadhyaya – self study

Observing the self through the lens of steady silence

Santosha - Contentment

With the cleansing came the contentment of being okay with the letting go

Ishvara Pranidhan- Surrendering to something bigger.

Only when one lets go of the finite grounds the infinite shines through.

The “need” to be present every time, everywhere might be essential but what about you being present for yourself? What about you taking time out for yourself?

The heads of all the priorities might pop on the screens of the mind. The season of reason’s might never end, but breaking the pattern requires a disciplined effort that is essential for self purification.

After all as much as you and your presence, the quality of your energy matters too.

With Love and Light

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